redux rxjs_可观察的RxJS和Redux入门指南
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redux rxjs

is an RxJS-based middleware for Redux that allows developers to work with async actions. It's an alternative to redux-thunk and redux-saga.

是基于RxJS的中间件,允许开发人员使用异步操作。 它是redux-thunk和redux-saga的替代方案。

This article covers the basics of RxJS, how to setup Redux-Observables, and some of its practical use-cases. But before that, we need to understand the Observer Pattern.

本文介绍了RxJS的基础知识,如何设置Redux-Observables及其一些实际用例。 但是在此之前,我们需要了解Observer Pattern

观察者模式 (Observer Pattern)

In Observer pattern, an object called "Observable" or "Subject", maintains a collection of subscribers called "Observers." When the subjects' state changes, it notifies all its Observers.

在观察者模式中,称为“可观察”或“主题”的对象维护着称为“观察者”的订户的集合。 当主题的状态更改时,它会通知其所有观察者。

In JavaScript, the simplest example would be event emitters and event handlers.


When you do .addEventListener, you are pushing an observer into the subject's collection of observers. Whenever the event happens, the subject notifies all the observers.

当您执行.addEventListener.addEventListener观察者推入主题的观察者集合中。 每当事件发生时,主题都会通知所有观察者。


As per the official website,


RxJS is JavaScript implementation of , a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences.

RxJS是 JavaScript实现, 是一个库,用于通过使用可观察的序列来组成异步和基于事件的程序。

In simple terms, RxJS is an implementation of the Observer pattern. It also extends the Observer pattern by providing operators that allow us to compose Observables and Subjects in a declarative manner.

简单来说,RxJS是Observer模式的实现。 它还通过提供允许我们以声明方式撰写Observable和Subject的运算符,扩展了Observer模式。

Observers, Observables, Operators, and Subjects are the building blocks of RxJS. So let's look at each one in more detail now.

观察者,可观察者,运算符和主题是RxJS的构建块。 因此,让我们现在更详细地看看每个。

观察者 (Observers)

Observers are objects that can subscribe to Observables and Subjects. After subscribing, they can receive notifications of three types - next, error, and complete.

观察者是可以订阅“观察对象”和“主题”的对象。 订阅后,他们可以接收三种类型的通知-下一步,错误和完成。

Any object with the following structure can be used as an Observer.


interface Observer
{ closed?: boolean; next: (value: T) => void; error: (err: any) => void; complete: () => void;}

When the Observable pushes next, error, and complete notifications, the Observer's .next, .error, and .complete methods are invoked.


可观察的 (Observables)

Observables are objects that can emit data over a period of time. It can be represented using the "marble diagram".

可观察对象是可以在一段时间内发出数据的对象。 可以使用“大理石图”表示。

Where the horizontal line represents the time, the circular nodes represent the data emitted by the Observable, and the vertical line indicates that the Observable has completed successfully.


Observables may encounter an error. The cross represents the error emitted by the Observable.

观察对象可能会遇到错误。 叉号表示Observable发出的误差。

The "completed" and "error" states are final. That means, Observables cannot emit any data after completing successfully or encountering an error.

“完成”和“错误”状态是最终状态。 这意味着,可观察对象在成功完成或遇到错误后无法发出任何数据。

创建一个可观察的 (Creating an Observable)

Observables are created using the new Observable constructor that takes one argument - the subscribe function. Observables can also be created using some operators, but we will talk about that later when we talk about Operators.

Observable使用new Observable构造函数创建,该构造函数带有一个参数-subscription函数。 还可以使用某些运算符来创建可观察对象,但是稍后将在讨论运算符时再进行讨论。

import { Observable } from 'rxjs';const observable = new Observable(subscriber => {   // Subscribe function });

订阅可观察的 (Subscribing to an Observable)

Observables can be subscribed using their .subscribe method and passing an Observer.


observable.subscribe({    next: (x) => console.log(x),    error: (x) => console.log(x),    complete: () => console.log('completed');});

可观察者的执行 (Execution of an Observable)

The subscribe function that we passed to the new Observable constructor is executed every time the Observable is subscribed.

每次订阅Observable时,都会执行传递给new Observable构造函数的new Observable函数。

The subscribe function takes one argument - the Subscriber. The Subscriber resembles the structure of an Observer, and it has the same 3 methods: .next, .error, and .complete.

subscription函数采用一个参数-Subscriber。 订阅服务器类似于观察者的结构,并且具有相同的3种方法: .next.error.complete

Observables can push data to the Observer using the .next method. If the Observable has completed successfully, it can notify the Observer using the .complete method. If the Observable has encountered an error, it can push the error to the Observer using the .error method.

Observable可以使用.next方法将数据推送到Observer。 如果Observable成功完成,则可以使用.complete方法通知Observer。 如果Observable遇到错误,则可以使用.error方法将错误推送到Observer。

// Create an Observableconst observable = new Observable(subscriber => {   subscriber.next('first data');   subscriber.next('second data');   setTimeout(() => {       subscriber.next('after 1 second - last data');       subscriber.complete();       subscriber.next('data after completion'); // <-- ignored   }, 1000);   subscriber.next('third data');});// Subscribe to the Observableobservable.subscribe({    next: (x) => console.log(x),    error: (x) => console.log(x),    complete: () => console.log('completed')});// Outputs://// first data// second data// third data// after 1 second - last data// completed

可观察的是单播的 (Observables are Unicast)

Observables are unicast, which means Observables can have at most one subscriber. When an Observer subscribes to an Observable, it gets a copy of the Observable that has its own execution path, making the Observables unicast.

可观测值是单播的 ,这意味着可观测值最多可以有一个订户。 当观察者订阅一个Observable时,它将获得具有自己执行路径的Observable副本,从而使Observables单播。

It is like watching a YouTube video. All viewers watch the same video content but, they can be at watching different segments of the video.

就像观看YouTube视频一样。 所有观看者都观看相同的视频内容,但是他们可以观看视频的不同片段。

Example: let us create an Observable that emits 1 to 10 over 10 seconds. Then, subscribe to the Observable once immediately, and again after 5 seconds.

示例 :让我们创建一个Observable,它在10秒钟内发射1到10。 然后,立即订阅一次Observable,然后在5秒钟后再次订阅。

// Create an Observable that emits data every second for 10 secondsconst observable = new Observable(subscriber => {	let count = 1;    const interval = setInterval(() => {		subscriber.next(count++);                if (count > 10) {        	clearInterval(interval);           }    }, 1000);});// Subscribe to the Observableobservable.subscribe({	next: value => {        console.log(`Observer 1: ${value}`);    }});// After 5 seconds subscribe againsetTimeout(() => {    observable.subscribe({        next: value => {            console.log(`Observer 2: ${value}`);        }    });}, 5000);/* OutputObserver 1: 1Observer 1: 2Observer 1: 3Observer 1: 4Observer 1: 5Observer 2: 1Observer 1: 6Observer 2: 2Observer 1: 7Observer 2: 3Observer 1: 8Observer 2: 4Observer 1: 9Observer 2: 5Observer 1: 10Observer 2: 6Observer 2: 7Observer 2: 8Observer 2: 9Observer 2: 10*/

In the output, you can notice that the second Observer started printing from 1 even though it subscribed after 5 seconds. This happens because the second Observer received a copy of the Observable whose subscribe function was invoked again. This illustrates the unicast behaviour of Observables.

在输出中,您可以注意到第二个观察者从5开始打印,即使它在5秒后订阅了。 发生这种情况是因为第二个Observer收到了Observable的副本,该副本的订阅函数再次被调用。 这说明了可观察对象的单播行为。

科目 (Subjects)

A Subject is a special type of Observable.


创建一个主题 (Creating a Subject)

A Subject is created using the new Subject constructor.

使用new Subject构造函数创建new Subject

import { Subject } from 'rxjs';// Create a subjectconst subject = new Subject();

订阅主题 (Subscribing to a Subject)

Subscribing to a Subject is similar to subscribing to an Observable: you use the .subscribe method and pass an Observer.


subject.subscribe({    next: (x) => console.log(x),    error: (x) => console.log(x),    complete: () => console.log("done")});

主题的执行 (Execution of a Subject)

Unlike Observables, a Subject calls its own .next, .error, and .complete methods to push data to Observers.


// Push data to all observerssubject.next('first data');// Push error to all observerssubject.error('oops something went wrong');// Completesubject.complete('done');

主题是多播的 (Subjects are Multicast)

Subjects are multicast: multiple Observers share the same Subject and its execution path. It means all notifications are broadcasted to all the Observers. It is like watching a live program. All viewers are watching the same segment of the same content at the same time.

主题是多播的:多个观察者共享相同的主题及其执行路径。 这意味着所有通知都会广播到所有观察者。 就像观看直播节目一样。 所有观众都在同一时间观看同一内容的同一片段。

Example: let us create a Subject that emits 1 to 10 over 10 seconds. Then, subscribe to the Observable once immediately, and again after 5 seconds.

示例:让我们创建一个在10秒钟内发射1到10的主题。 然后,立即订阅一次Observable,然后在5秒钟后再次订阅。

// Create a subjectconst subject = new Subject();let count = 1;const interval = setInterval(() => {    subscriber.next(count++);    if (count > 10) {        clearInterval(interval);    }}, 1000);// Subscribe to the subjectssubject.subscribe(data => {    console.log(`Observer 1: ${data}`);});// After 5 seconds subscribe againsetTimeout(() => {    subject.subscribe(data => {    	console.log(`Observer 2: ${data}`);	});}, 5000);/* OUTPUTObserver 1: 1Observer 1: 2Observer 1: 3Observer 1: 4Observer 1: 5Observer 2: 5Observer 1: 6Observer 2: 6Observer 1: 7Observer 2: 7Observer 1: 8Observer 2: 8Observer 1: 9Observer 2: 9Observer 1: 10Observer 2: 10*/

In the output, you can notice that the second Observer started printing from 5 instead of starting from 1. This happens because the second Observer is sharing the same Subject. Since it subscribed after 5 seconds, the Subject has already finished emitting 1 to 4. This illustrates the multicast behavior of a Subject.

在输出中,您会注意到第二个Observer从5开始打印,而不是从1开始。这是因为第二个Observer共享相同的Subject。 由于它在5秒钟后订阅,因此主体已经完成发射1到4。这说明了主体的多播行为。

主题既可观察又可观察 (Subjects are both Observable and Observer)

Subjects have the .next, .error and .complete methods. That means that they follow the structure of Observers. Hence, a Subject can also be used as an Observer and passed to the .subscribe function of Observables or other Subjects.

主题具有.next.error.complete方法。 这意味着它们遵循观察者的结构。 因此,主题也可以用作观察者,并传递给Observables或其他主题的.subscribe函数。

Example: let us create an Observable and a Subject. Then subscribe to the Observable using the Subject as an Observer. Finally, subscribe to the Subject. All the values emitted by the Observable will be pushed to the Subject, and the Subject will broadcast the received values to all its Observers.

示例:让我们创建一个Observable和Subject。 然后使用主题作为观察者订阅可观察对象。 最后,订阅主题。 Observable发出的所有值将被推送到Subject,并且Subject将把接收到的值广播到其所有Observer。

// Create an Observable that emits data every secondconst observable = new Observable(subscriber => {   let count = 1;   const interval = setInterval(() => {       subscriber.next(count++);              if (count > 5) {        	clearInterval(interval);          }   }, 1000);});// Create a subjectconst subject = new Subject();// Use the Subject as Observer and subscribe to the Observableobservable.subscribe(subject);// Subscribe to the subjectsubject.subscribe({    next: value => console.log(value)});/* Output12345*/

经营者 (Operators)

Operators are what make RxJS useful. Operators are pure functions that return a new Observable. They can be categorized into 2 main categories:

运算符使RxJS有用。 运算符是返回新的Observable的纯函数。 它们可以分为2个主要类别:

  1. Creation Operators

  2. Pipeable Operators


创建运算符 (Creation Operators)

Creation Operators are functions that can create a new Observable.


Example: we can create an Observable that emits each element of an array using the from operator.


const observable = from([2, 30, 5, 22, 60, 1]);observable.subscribe({    next: (value) => console.log("Received", value),    error: (err) => console.log(err),    complete: () => console.log("done")});/* OUTPUTSReceived 2Received 30Received 5Received 22Received 60Received 1done*/

The same can be an Observable using the marble diagram.


管道运算符 (Pipeable Operators)

Pipeable Operators are functions that take an Observable as an input and return a new Observable with modified behavior.


Example: let's take the Observable that we created using the from operator. Now using this Observable, we can to create a new Observable that emits only numbers greater than 10 using the filter operator.

示例:让我们使用使用from运算符创建的Observable。 现在使用此Observable,我们可以使用filter运算符创建一个仅发出大于10的数字的新Observable。

const greaterThanTen = observable.pipe(filter(x => x > 10));greaterThanTen.subscribe(console.log, console.log, () => console.log("completed"));// OUTPUT// 11// 12// 13// 14// 15

The same can be represented using the marble diagram.


There are many more useful operators out there. You can see the full operators list along with examples on the official RxJS documentation .

还有更多有用的运算符。 您可以在查看完整的运算符列表以及RxJS官方文档中的示例。

It is crucial to understand all the commonly used operators. Here are some operators that I use often:

了解所有常用的运算符至关重要。 这是我经常使用的一些运算符:

  1. mergeMap


  2. switchMap


  3. exhaustMap


  4. map


  5. catchError


  6. startWith


  7. delay


  8. debounce


  9. throttle


  10. interval


  11. from


  12. of


Redux可观察物 (Redux Observables)

As per the official website,


-based middleware for . Compose and cancel async actions to create side effects and more.

基于的中间件。 撰写和取消异步操作以创建副作用等。

In Redux, whenever an action is dispatched, it runs through all the reducer functions and a new state is returned.


Redux-observable takes all these dispatched actions and new states and creates two observables out of it - Actions observable action$, and States observable state$.

Redux-observable采取所有这些调度的动作和新状态,并在其中创建两个可观察对象-Actions observable action$和States observable state$

Actions observable will emit all the actions that are dispatched using the store.dispatch(). States observable will emit all the new state objects returned by the root reducer.

可观察到的动作将发出使用store.dispatch()调度的所有动作。 可观察到的状态将发出由根减速器返回的所有新状态对象。

史诗 (Epics)

As per the official website,


It is a function which takes a stream of actions and returns a stream of actions. Actions in, actions out.

该函数需要一系列操作并返回一系列操作。 行动,行动。

Epics are functions that can be used to subscribe to Actions and States Observables. Once subscribed, epics will receive the stream of actions and states as input, and it must return a stream of actions as an output. Actions In - Actions Out.

史诗是可用于订阅“动作”和“可观察状态”的功能。 订阅后,史诗将接收动作和状态流作为输入,并且它必须返回动作流作为输出。 行动在行动在行动

const someEpic = (action$, state$) => {     return action$.pipe( // subscribe to actions observable        map(action => { // Receive every action, Actions In            return someOtherAction(); // return an action, Actions Out        })    )}

It is important to understand that all the actions received in the Epic have already finished running through the reducers.


Inside an Epic, we can use any RxJS observable patterns, and this is what makes redux-observables useful.


Example: we can use the .filter operator to create a new intermediate observable. Similarly, we can create any number of intermediate observables, but the final output of the final observable must be an action, otherwise an exception will be raised by redux-observable.

示例:我们可以使用.filter运算符创建一个新的中间可观察对象。 同样,我们可以创建任意数量的中间可观察变量,但是最终可观察变量的最终输出必须是一个动作,否则redux-observable会引发异常。

const sampleEpic = (action$, state$) => {    return action$.pipe(    	filter(action => action.payload.age >= 18), // can create intermediate observables and streams        map(value => above18(value)) // where above18 is an action creator    );}

Every action emitted by the Epics are immediately dispatched using the store.dispatch().


建立 (Setup)

First, let's install the dependencies.


npm install --save rxjs redux-observable

Create a separate folder named epics to keep all the epics. Create a new file index.js inside the epics folder and combine all the epics using the combineEpics function to create the root epic. Then export the root epic.

创建一个名为epics的单独文件夹以保留所有史诗。 创建一个新的文件index.js里面的epics文件夹,然后将所有使用的史诗combineEpics函数来创建根史诗。 然后导出根史诗。

import { combineEpics } from 'redux-observable';import { epic1 } from './epic1';import { epic2 } from './epic2';const epic1 = (action$, state$) => { ...   } const epic2 = (action$, state$) => { ...   } export default combineEpics(epic1, epic2);

Create an epic middleware using the createEpicMiddleware function and pass it to the createStore Redux function.

使用createEpicMiddleware函数创建一个史诗中间件,并将其传递给createStore Redux函数。

import { createEpicMiddleware } from 'redux-observable';import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';import rootEpic from './rootEpics';const epicMiddleware = createEpicMiddlware();const store = createStore(    rootReducer,    applyMiddleware(epicMiddlware));

Finally, pass the root epic to epic middleware's .run method.



一些实际用例 (Some Practical Usecases)

RxJS has a big learning curve, and the redux-observable setup worsens the already painful Redux setup process. All that makes Redux observable look like an overkill. But here are some practical use cases that can change your mind.

RxJS的学习曲线很大,可观察到的Redux设置会使本来就很痛苦的Redux设置过程恶化。 所有使Redux都可观察到的东西看起来像是一个过大的杀伤力。 但是这里有一些可以改变主意的实际用例。

Throughout this section, I will be comparing redux-observables with redux-thunk to show how redux-observables can be helpful in complex use-cases. I don't hate redux-thunk, I love it, and I use it every day!

在本节中,我将比较redux-observables和redux-thunk,以显示redux-observables如何在复杂的用例中提供帮助。 我不讨厌redux-thunk,我喜欢它,并且每天都在使用它!

1.进行API调用 (1. Make API Calls)

Usecase: Make an API call to fetch comments of a post. Show loaders when the API call is in progress and also handle API errors.

用例:进行API调用以获取帖子的评论。 在API调用正在进行时显示加载程序,并处理API错误。

A redux-thunk implementation will look like this,


function getComments(postId){    return (dispatch) => {        dispatch(getCommentsInProgress());        axios.get(`/v1/api/posts/${postId}/comments`).then(response => {            dispatch(getCommentsSuccess(response.data.comments));        }).catch(() => {            dispatch(getCommentsFailed());        });    }}

and this is absolutely correct. But the action creator is bloated.

这是绝对正确的。 但是动作创造者is肿。

We can write an Epic to implement the same using redux-observables.


const getCommentsEpic = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(    ofType('GET_COMMENTS'),    mergeMap((action) => from(axios.get(`/v1/api/posts/${action.payload.postId}/comments`).pipe(        map(response => getCommentsSuccess(response.data.comments)),        catchError(() => getCommentsFailed()),        startWith(getCommentsInProgress())    ));

Now it allows us to have a clean and simple action creator like this,


function getComments(postId) {    return {        type: 'GET_COMMENTS',        payload: {            postId        }    }}

2.请求退信 (2. Request Debouncing)

Usecase: Provide autocompletion for a text field by calling an API whenever the value of the text field changes. API call should be made 1 second after the user has stopped typing.

用例:每当文本字段的值更改时,通过调用API来为文本字段提供自动补全功能。 用户停止输入后应在1秒钟内进行API调用。

A redux-thunk implementation will look like this,


let timeout;function valueChanged(value) {    return dispatch => {        dispatch(loadSuggestionsInProgress());        dispatch({            type: 'VALUE_CHANGED',            payload: {                value            }        });        // If changed again within 1 second, cancel the timeout        timeout && clearTimeout(timeout);        // Make API Call after 1 second        timeout = setTimeout(() => {        	axios.get(`/suggestions?q=${value}`)                .then(response =>                      dispatch(loadSuggestionsSuccess(response.data.suggestions)))                .catch(() => dispatch(loadSuggestionsFailed()))        }, 1000, value);    }}

It requires a global variable timeout. When we start using global variables, our action creators are not longer pure functions. It also becomes difficult to unit test the action creators that use a global variable.

它需要全局变量timeout 。 当我们开始使用全局变量时,动作创建者不再是纯函数。 对使用全局变量的动作创建者进行单元测试也变得困难。

We can implement the same with redux-observable using the .debounce operator.


const loadSuggestionsEpic = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(    ofType('VALUE_CHANGED'),    debounce(1000),    mergeMap(action => from(axios.get(`/suggestions?q=${action.payload.value}`)).pipe(    	map(response => loadSuggestionsSuccess(response.data.suggestions)),        catchError(() => loadSuggestionsFailed())    )),    startWith(loadSuggestionsInProgress()));

Now, our action creators can be cleaned up, and more importantly, they can be pure functions again.


function valueChanged(value) {    return {        type: 'VALUE_CHANGED',        payload: {            value        }    }}

3.要求取消 (3. Request Cancellation)

Usecase: Continuing the previous use-case, assume that the user didn't type anything for 1 second, and we made our 1st API call to fetch the suggestions.


Let's say the API itself takes an average of 2-3 seconds to return the result. Now, if the user types something while the 1st API call is in progress, after 1 second, we will make our 2nd API. We can end up having two API calls at the same time, and it can create a race condition.

假设API本身平均需要2-3秒才能返回结果。 现在,如果用户在进行第一个API调用时键入了一些内容,则在1秒钟后,我们将创建第二个API。 我们最终可能同时拥有两个API调用,并且它可以创建竞争条件。

To avoid this, we need to cancel the 1st API call before making the 2nd API call.


A redux-thunk implementation will look like this,


let timeout;var cancelToken = axios.cancelToken;let apiCall;function valueChanged(value) {        return dispatch => {        dispatch(loadSuggestionsInProgress());        dispatch({            type: 'VALUE_CHANGED',            payload: {                value            }        });        // If changed again within 1 second, cancel the timeout        timeout && clearTimeout(timeout);        // Make API Call after 1 second        timeout = setTimeout(() => {            // Cancel the existing API            apiCall && apiCall.cancel('Operation cancelled');                        // Generate a new token            apiCall = cancelToken.source();                                    axios.get(`/suggestions?q=${value}`, {                cancelToken: apiCall.token            })                .then(response => dispatch(loadSuggestionsSuccess(response.data.suggestions)))                .catch(() => dispatch(loadSuggestionsFailed()))             }, 1000, value);    }}

Now, it requires another global variable to store the Axios's cancel token. More global variables = more impure functions!

现在,它需要另一个全局变量来存储Axios的cancel令牌。 更多全局变量=更多不纯函数!

To implement the same using redux-observable, all we need to do is replace .mergeMap with .switchMap.


const loadSuggestionsEpic = (action$, state$) => action$.pipe(    ofType('VALUE_CHANGED'),    throttle(1000),    switchMap(action => from(axios.get(`/suggestions?q=${action.payload.value}`)).pipe(    	map(response => loadSuggestionsSuccess(response.data.suggestions)),        catchError(() => loadSuggestionsFailed())    )),    startWith(loadSuggestionsInProgress()));

Since it doesn't require any changes to our action creators, they can continue to be pure functions.


Similarly, there are many use-cases where Redux-Observables actually shines! For example, polling an API, showing snack bars, , etc.

同样,在很多用例中,Redux-Observables确实发光! 例如,轮询API,显示小吃店, 等。

结论 (To Conclude)

If you are developing a Redux application that involves such complex use-cases, it is highly recommended to use Redux-Observables. After all, the benefits of using it are directly proportional to the complexity of your application, and it is evident from the above mentioned practical use-cases.

如果您正在开发涉及此类复杂用例的Redux应用程序,则强烈建议使用Redux-Observables。 毕竟,使用它的好处与您的应用程序的复杂度成正比,并且从上述实际用例中可以明显看出。

I strongly believe using the right set of libraries will help us to , and in the long term, the benefits of using them will outweigh the drawbacks.

我坚信使用正确的库集将帮助我们 ,从长远来看,使用它们的好处将超过弊端。


redux rxjs


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